Sabine Loos

Sabine Loos

Ph.D. candidate, Stanford University, USA.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow

M.Sc in Civil Engineering – Sustainable Design and Construction, Stanford University, 2018

B.Sc in Civil Engineering, Ohio State University, 2016


Sabine applies geostatistical data integration methods to components of resilience analysis. Currently, her work focuses on assessing the regional damage through the use of multiple data sources that are made rapidly available after an earthquake. Sabine has also been involved with the development and validation of remote sensing based data sources on building damage.

Topics of interest:

  • Geostatistical analysis for risk and resilience
  • Data analytics for development in data-poor regions
  • Post-earthquake recovery policies

Technical Reports

Journal Articles

Conference publications

  • Loos, Sabine, David Lallemant, Jack Baker, Sang-Ho Yun, Ritika Singh, Nama Budhathoki. (2018). “Spatial Integration of Post-Earthquake Building Damage Data to Support Response and Recovery Decisions”, Abstract 393528 presented at 2018 Fall Meeting, AGU, Washington, DC. December 10-14.
  • Loos, Sabine, Karen Barns, Gitanjali Bhattacharjee, Robert Soden, Benjamin Herfort, Cristiano Giovando, Blake Girardot, et al. 2018. “Crowd-Sourced Remote Assessments of Regional-Scale Post-Disaster Damage.” In Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Los Angeles, CA.
  • Bhattacharjee G, Barns K, Loos S, Lallemant D, Deierlein G, Kiremidjian A, Soden R. Developing a user-centric understanding of post-disaster building damage information needs. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. 2018.