Publication Types:

Development of empirical and analytical fragility functions using kernel smoothing methods

Journal Paper
Noh, H., Lallemant, D., Kiremidjian, A.
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. (2014)
Publication year: 2014

Statistical Procedures for Developing Earthquake Damage Fragility Curves

Journal Paper
Lallemant, D., Burton, H., Kiremidjian, A.
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. (2015)
Publication year: 2015

A Framework for Assessing Building Performance Limit states that Inform Community Seismic Resilience

Journal Paper
Burton, H. Deierlein, G., Lallemant, D., Lin, T
ASCE Special Issue: Resilience-based design of structures (2015)
Publication year: 2015

Post-disaster damage assessments as catalysts for recovery: A look at assessments conducted in the wake of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal.

Journal Paper
Lallemant, D., Soden, R., Rubinyi, S., Loos, S., Barns, K., Bhattacherjee, G.
Earthquake Spectra. (accepted 2017)
Publication year: 2017

Measuring the Impact of Enhanced Building Performance on the Seismic Resilience of a Residential Community.

Journal Paper
Burton, H., Deierlein, G., Lallemant, D., Singh, Y
Earthquake Spectra, August. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 040916EQS057M. doi:10.1193/040916EQS057M.
Publication year: 2017

A Beta Distribution Model for Characterizing Earthquake Damage State Distribution

Journal Paper
Lallemant, D., Kiremidjian, A.
Earthquake Spectra, p.140514111412006. (2014)
Publication year: 2014

A Comprehensive Analysis of Building Damage in the 12 January 2010 Mw7 Haiti Earthquake Using High-Resolution Satellite and Aerial Imagery

Journal Paper
C. Corbane, K. Saito, L. Dell’Oro, E.Bjorgo, S. Gill, B. Piard, C. Huyck, T. Kemper, G. Lemoine, R. Spence, R. Shankar, O. Senegas, F. Ghesquiere, D. Lallemant, G. Evans, R. Gartley, J. Toro, S. Ghosh, W. D. Svekla, B. Adams, and R. Eguchi
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. (2011)
Publication year: 2011

A Framework and Case Study for Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment Of Incrementally Expanding Buildings

In ReviewJournal Paper
Lallemant, D., Burton, H., Ceferino, L., Bullock, Z., Kiremidjian, A.
In Review (2016)
Publication year: 2016